This page lists software contributed by the community that is related to OpenCilk, including OpenCilk-powered applications and libraries and
miscellaneous tools to help developers write Cilk programs.
OpenCilk-powered libraries
The following third-party libraries are known to work with OpenCilk out of the
box for parallel execution.
- SG-t-SNE-Π: Low-dimensional embedding
of sparse stochastic graphs.
- FGLT: Fast graphlet transform.
- RecFMM: Adaptive fast multipole method.
- ParlayLib: A toolkit for programming parallel algorithms on shared-memory multicore machines.
OpenCilk-powered applications
The following third-party applications are known to work with OpenCilk.
Want your OpenCilk-powered software listed here? Contact us at
You can find more information on contributing to OpenCilk here.